You are responsible for a walk and happened to find a card game from the side of the road. Browse the boards and I noticed that they are all in numerical order by color.
In other words, the diamonds are of the order of 2 to 10 and Jack Ass and the same goes for the other three seeds. Who have placed in your hands a card game at full scale in all four colors.
You say to yourself: "What a coincidence for some dazzling array a deck and the cards were allplanner in perfect order. "In fact, you are so amazed that when you get home you try to calculate the odds of a 52-card directly through the mixing of a color card game over and over again.
What are the odds that the first card in a shuffled deck is off again, the two diamonds? It 's simple, is 1 in 52
And if you get the card to come first, what is the probability that the second card is the 3 of diamonds? Although this is simple, there is a possibility in 51 of the newlythe first two cards in the correct order would be 1 in 52 x 51, 1 in 2652 would be the same.
This reveals that the number of possible combinations of 52 cards what your math teacher, "52 factorial", which is called 52, is the expression x 51 x 50 x 49 x 48 x 47 x 46 ... x 3 x 2 x 1 You will receive your computer and find that the sum is equal to a factor of more than 52 8.07 x 10-67 Power!
Think about how big this number is. Scientists estimate that the number of atoms inThe Milky Way is only 1 x Power 10-65. The number of possible combinations of cards in a standard 52 card is almost a thousand times greater than the number of atoms in the Milky Way!
Now we get to see if we have a mix of 52-card decks to random Straight Flush can. If we put all six and a half billion people on earth to work decks of cards shuffling and shuffle the cards in packs of one million per second and bridges, we used15000000000 years have they had for less than a tenth of a percent chance of 52 cards with a straight flush in a deck at the end of this 15 billion years!
They therefore concluded that the deck of cards royal flush, you have come as no accident, but from a human or other intelligent designer deliberately arranged the cards were arranged in this order.
What does the little card game example has to do with evolution? We can use itillustrate the probability of occurrence of a small step in evolution.
The putative mechanism of evolution is a genetic mutation. Mutations are mistakes in DNA copying. The DNA molecule is composed of millions of pairs of nucleotide bases in a precise sequence are arranged neatly. You can think of DNA as a card game and the base pairs, such as individual cards in the deck.
A mutation maps or some mix of base pairs. If the mutation mutilated or disorganized mixdesign information in the DNA, the offspring will be deformed or even die.
Evolutionists claim that random mutations of the pairs of nucleotide bases in the DNA of living organisms to cause favorable changes in body structure. Evolutionists claim that the accumulation of these changes has created new ways and also form new orders and new strains of living organisms.
However, even evolutionists acknowledge that the vast majority of mutations are harmful orNeutral.
Take the opportunity to examine the probability of evolution is not driven to produce a humble ordinary woodpecker. The woodpecker is different from other birds to have a heavier beak, a very thick skull, the cartilage thickness behind the bill as a shock, a tongue longer and to act incredible ... a flap of skin around the top of the head as a storage bag for the long tongue action!
The evolutionist says that those who have developed unique characteristics woodpeckera common bird through the accumulation of random rearrangements of base pairs of DNA. (I should point out, that the number of base pairs need to be refurbished would probably have been much greater than 52 years, if you get my drift!)
In addition, he had a list of unique features woodpecker (long tongue, housing, beak heavy, thick skulls, etc.) to develop in tandem. In other words, if a mutation has a common bird there is a stretch, but not custody, in whichsave the language, which would not be an advantage! Die of this bird and its mutation would, from the gene pool.
The ordinary bird on his way, he should develop into a woodpecker in favor of a mutation to offer incredibly large number of woodpeckers have all at once.
Human DNA contains more than one billion base pairs. If we assume that a bird is only half as many, or 500 million base pairs, as many of these base pairs would be transformed into accurate parent mustSequence of the skull, beak, tongue, redesign and add a language, a storage bag in the proximity of operating woodpeckers do?
I would like to care that would have about 52,000 base pairs are arranged exactly new.
We saw in our presentation of the card game incredibly high number of possible sequences of just 52 cards. How can we even begin to the number of possible sequences of 52,000 base pairs of calculation? Moreover, that genetic mutations are rare, and a mutationeven a single base pair out of place is not only harmful but deadly.
Any objective analysis will probably show that an unguided random mixing requirements of 52,000 base pairs, a redesign of the skull of a bird would be a low probability of success, it would be absurd. Evolutionists usually try a similar statement, saying that such a change would not happen to refute with a large mutation.
They claim that requires a lot of small mutations in a single stepStep incrementally with relatively few base pairs at each step.
An evolutionist would probably say that a mutation that would be only 52 base pairs mixed a small mutation. Evolutionists would say that a set of 1,000 mutations are sufficient for about 52 base pairs each of which would be to make a bird skull again.
I would counter that, although each new mutations accumulate only 52 base pairs in each of the 1,000 small mutation steps exactly on a total of 52,000new base pairs, would be an absurdly low probability of random mutations, a sparrow to transform into a woodpecker. Our card game figure above shows the number of possible sequences shockingly high of only 52 base pairs. Imagine the possibilities of the new 52 base pairs arranged in each of 1,000 different mutations!
This shows that there was a woodpecker or complex life forms to develop random processes in a trillion years! This is just one of many obvious shortcomings inthe theory of evolution.
Evolution is the creation myth of atheistic materialism. And 'taught in our taxpayer-funded schools. Evolution is taught as a process "unguided" atheistic. This promotes atheism and undermines the confidence of students. And 'now that the children not only the errors of evolution, but also the need of the Creator be taught .*
* Some of the material in the article above is from a blog by "Jim in Vermont," l '"evolution vs. intelligentDesign "debate group.